New update for REAAA Hwang Award 2025
All documents, including recommendation letters from the Governing Council, must be submitted to the REAAA Korean Chapter by July 26th 2024.
We will review the submissions and the winner will be selected by HwangAward Committee at the 123rd REAAA council meeting.
The awards will be presented at the 17th REAAA Conference which will be held in Korea in 2025.
The Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA) Hwang Award was established with the generous support of Honorary Member, Mr Hwang Kwang-ung, who is also a Co-opted member of the REAAA Governing Council.
It recognizes any REAAA member who has made a significant contribution to the development of the road sector and regional cooperation in the region.
The first Hwang Award is being presented during the 16th REAAA Conference on 15 September 2021.
The Hwang Fund Committee selects a professional who has made a significant contribution to REAAA and its activities by fulfilling key roles and responsibilities for an appreciable period, to ensure that the Association can achieve its goals that are emphasized in the Constitution, Article 3. The Committee also recognizes his/ her dedication to the establishment of a solid foothold for more exposure of REAAA and its activities at the international level.
Article 3. Objective:
1. The objectives of the Association are to:
- Promote and advance the science and practice of road engineering and related professions in the Asia-Pacific Region.
- Encourage communication between persons charged with technical responsibilities for the planning, design, construction and maintenance of roads and allied structures.
- Obtain and diffuse among the members information on road engineering and related matters affecting the profession, and to print, sell, publish, issue and circulate the records of transactions of the Association or any papers, periodicals, books, circulars and other itinerary undertakings or any extracts therefrom as may seem conducive to any of these objects.
- Educate and seek to improve, extend and elevate the technical and general knowledge of members and persons concerned with road engineering.
- Serve as a focal point for the exchange of ideas related to road engineering.
- Conduct, encourage and collate research in road engineering.
- Establish, form and maintain an index of available or existing literature and articles of interest in connection with road engineering.
PRIZES: Plaque and prize money of US$10,000 (US$5,000 for each winner)