The REAAA Governing Council held its 117th meeting on 25th March 2022 via the Zoom platform. The meeting was successful, with 35 out of the 38 Council Members attending. The meeting was called to order by the REAAA President, Dr Sung-Hwan Kim. Reports were tabled by the Finance Committee, Honorary Secretary-General, Technical Committee, and the Membership Promotion Committee. Reports addressing the REAAA website and Business Forum were also approved at the meeting.
Several important decisions were also made, and key proposals were adopted, including:
- REAAA : The Way Forward 2022-2025
- Preparation for the 118th REAAA Governing Council Meeting in Christchurch, New Zealand
- Input into forthcoming events to be conducted in REAAA member countries.
The Finance Committee made a sincere request to Chapters and Council members to help in the collection and remittance of overdue membership subscriptions. The Finance Committee recorded its appreciation to members for their assistance in the collection of membership dues. The Honorary Secretary-General’s report covered various activities of the Secretariat for the period from October 2021 to February 2022. The Secretariat has been actively participating and facilitating numerous activities, as well as executing specific responsibilities as directed by the chairs of various committees. A number of decisions made at the 116th Governing Council meeting have been carried out by the Secretariat, including the requirements of Registrar Society Malaysia, bank issues, membership issues, and follow-up actions after the brainstorming session at the 17th Council Term.
The Council Meeting unanimously endorsed the list of Vice Presidents as follows:
- Dr. Mike Shackleton, Chief Research Officer, Australian Road Research Board
- Dato’ Seri Ir. Haji Mohamad Zulkefly Sulaiman, Director-General, Public Works Department of Malaysia
- Mr. Katsuji Hashiba, Chairman, REAAA Committee, Japan Road Association
- Dr. Hedy Rahadian, Director-General, Directorate of Public & Highway, Republic of Indonesia.
The following individuals and organisations were elected as co-opted Council members to assist the Association in various aspects, including technical, finance, management, and administration:
- Mr. Kieran Sharp (Australia)
- Mr. Destiawan Soewardjono Simoen (Indonesia)
- Mr. Rachman Arief Dienaputra (Indonesia)
- Dr. Ir. Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga (Indonesia)
- Mr. Yoonsang Lee (Korea)
- Mr. Kyu-Young Hwang (Korea)
- Mr. Yasumasa Torii (Japan)
- Dr. Koji Kuroda (Japan)
- Dato’ Ir. Dr. Dennis Ganendra (Malaysia)
- Dato’ Ir. Haji Zulakmal Haji Sufian (Malaysia)
- Ts. Ir. Dr. Muhammad Marizwan Abdul Manan (MIROS, Malaysia)
- Professor Dr. Wong Shaw Voon (Malaysia)
Following are the list of Committees and the elected Chairpersons:
- Steering Committee (C1): Dr. Sunghwan Kim
- Nominations Committee(C2): Dr. A Hermanto Dardak
- Special Task Committee (C3): Mr. Romeo Salazar Momo
- Technical Committee (C4): Mr. Kieran Sharp
- International Coordination Committee(C5): Dato’ Seri Ir. Haji Mohamad Zulkefly Sulaiman
- Katahira & Mino Fund Committee (C6): Mr. Michio Katayama
- Hwang Fund Committee(C7): Mr. Jong Gon Park
- Finance Committee(C8): Ms. Lydwina Marchiela Wardhani
- Membership Promotions Committee (C9): Dr. Hedy Rahadian