The organisers of the Road Engineering Association of Asia & Australasia (REAAA) Conference 2013, the Ministry of Works, Malaysia, Public Works Department, Malaysia, (JKR), Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), Malaysian Highway Authority (MHA), Road Engineering Association of Malaysia (REAM), Road Engineering Association of Asia & Australasia (REAAA), Intelligent Transport System Association of Malaysia (ITS Malaysia) and the Chartered Institution of Highway and Transportation Malaysian Branch (IHT MB) are pleased to invite you to participate in the Fourteenth Edition of the REAAA Conference 2013 where the focus and emphasis will be on the exchange of knowledge and experience.
“The Road Factor in Economic Transformation”
Roads are the arteries of a nation facilitating the transportation of the required synergy for economic transformation. As such, the development and maintenance of an efficient road infrastructure is pivotal for sustained economic growth in developing countries. Weak and inefficient road network is thought to have a binding constraint to the demands for optimum economic enhancement.
Be that as it may, the primary bane of contention today is the degradation of the environment as a result of infrastructure development. To alleviate these concerns, development needs to meet the demands of the present without compromising the basic needs of the future. In this context, sustainable road infrastructure development has to integrate economic, social and environmental considerations into decisions regarding human mobility.
Irrespective of the obstacles such as the vagaries of the climate and degradation of the environment, fossil fuel cost fluctuations and economic constraints facing humanity pursuing economic transformation, the challenges can be met head-on with careful planning, cost efficient design, sustainable construction and regular maintenance.
The technical sessions in this conference have been formulated to find answers and to face such challenges. Come and be informed on the required quality road infrastructure of the future.