Attaining congestion-free and smooth road traffic supporting a vital and environmentally-friendly society is a common challenge among the REAAA member countries. From the viewpoint of making the most out of a limited budget and human resources, the efficient operation of existing road networks fully utilizing ITS and other innovations is expected to become increasingly important.
This Compendium presents 21 examples of good practices addressing the challenges that member counties face in terms of the efficient operation of the road network, the measures taken, and the effects or outcome of the measures. In particular, the Compendium highlights how ITS and other innovations have been effective in optimizing traffic flow and in increasing capacity at roundabouts, ramps and toll plazas, thereby alleviating congestion.
Through the various good practices contained in this Compendium, it is clear that the greatest challenge the Asian and Australasian countries have in common is the achievement of optimum traffic flow on road networks that achieve mobility of the road users.
It is also clear that each country has taken various measures to address this challenge, taking into consideration unique environment and operation conditions. Some common measures have been implemented, however, which have demonstrated significant effects in terms of smoothing traffic flow.
These measures include:
- enabling drivers to make better travel choices by providing traffic information (Australia, Japan, and Singapore)
- controlling traffic flow by toll incentives (i.e. road pricing) (Japan and Singapore)
- optimizing traffic flow using traffic signals adjusted to real-time traffic demand (Australia, Brunei, Korea, New Zealand, and Singapore)
- improving traffic flow at toll plazas through the ETC system (Japan and Malaysia)
- enhancing road networking effects through the development of road structures (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, The Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Thailand).