The Kuala Lumpur International Pavement Seminar 2023 (KLIPS 2023), carrying the timely
theme Leveraging Innovation Towards Green Technology and Resilient Pavement stands
poised to welcome worldwide delegates to the garden city of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of
The seminar will be held from 7 to 9 March 2023 at the Connexion Conference & Event
Centre, Bangsar South, Kuala Lumpur.
KLIPS 2023 is jointly organised by the Ministry of Works Malaysia, the Public Works
Department, Malaysia as the lead organiser, together with the Road Engineering Association
Malaysia (REAM), supported by the Malaysian Highway Authority (MHA) and Construction
Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB), in collaboration with the World Road
Association (PIARC) and in association with the Road Engineering Association of Asia &
Australasia (REAAA).
Collaborating with the renowned and iconic PIARC, this seminar offers an international
the platform for presenting technical papers, discussing and exchanging ideas on enthralling
authoritative pavement topics, thrived by sharing invaluable experiences from the
Malaysia is a country member of PIARC via the membership of the Public Works Department.