Message from the President
A Happy New Year to all our members. 2019 promises to be an exciting year, and I am looking forward to working with you all both as individuals and as institutional members. The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.
As REAAA members, we are proud to be an effective regional organisation, providing members win technology interchange and tansfer and services to promote a better future in road-related engineering.
10th Malaysia Road Conference 2018 & PIARC International Seminar on Asset Management
The biennial Malaysia Road Conference (MC), held since 1994, has emerged as the premier national and regional platform for the presentation of research findings, discussion and the exchanging of ideas on cutting-edge technologies relating to the development, construction, management and maintenance of roads, highways and related infrastructure. The MRC is a much sought-after event for industry players in Malaysia involved with the financing, design, construction, management and maintenance of road infrastructure projects.
6th REAAA Business Forum
The REAAA Business Forum was established to facilitate road sector business-to-business collaborations in road engineering or related sectors and enhance membership of REAAA from business practitioners, institutions or companies.
The vision of the next Business Forum is “to be the center of information of support, facilitation and collaboration among business entities in the road engineering industry between REAAA members and other countries in the region”. The mission is “to always encourage and facilitate business-to-business collaboration in the road engineering-related industry, especially in Asia and Australasia”.
Interview with Claude Van Rooten, President of the World Road Association (AIPCR/PIARC)
Claude Van Rooten was elected President of the World Road Association (PIARC) starting from 1st January 2017. He was a member of the Executive Committee from 2005 to 2012 and chair of the Communication Commission from 2009 to 2012. He is an honorary member of PIARC since 2013. He attended the 109th REAAA Council Meeting at Petaling Jaya, Malaysia and accepted the request for an interview on the spot.
13TH Meeting of REAAA Young Engineers & Professionals
The 13th REAAA YEP meeting was held in Brisbane, Australia, in conjuction with the 108th REAAA Governing Council Meeting, the 28th ARB Conference and the 8th Symposium on Pavement Surface Characteristics (SURF2018). The 13th edition of the meeting has continued to welcome its current members and new members from Japan, Mr. Koki Mizuhashi, from ARB itself, Mr. Andrew Beecroft, Mr. Richard Moh and Prof. Yu-Min Su from Taiwan and Mr. Howie Gan representing IRF.
14TH Meeting of REAAA Young Engineers & Professionals
The 14th REAAA YEP Meeting was held in Kuala Lumpur on 30th October 2018. It is been held together with the 109th REAAA Governing Council Meeting. Road Engineering Association of Malaysia (REAM) YEP is proud to host the event. This meeting was held in conjunction with the 10th Malaysia Road Conference 2018 and the PIARC International Seminar on Asset Management.
Updates on Hwang Fund
The Hwang Fund was established in 2018 by Mr. Kwang-Ung Hwang who is an Honorary Member of the Association and Chairman of Kunhwa Engineering & Consulting in Rebublic of Korea. Mr. Kwang-Ung Hwang endorsed KRW 100,000,000 to REAAA to encourage the participation of young engineers as well as to strengthen the international road engineering network.
At the 103rd REAAA Council Meeting, held in Dubai in March 2016, it was agreed that REAAA would establish a Fellowship Program. The objective of the program is to provide financial support to REAAA members from developing countries to attend REAAA events as a speaker.
News from the REAAA Technical Committee
REAAA Technical Report TC-10 – Report on FEHRL scanning tour to South Korea and Japan: infrastructure resilience has recently been lodged on the REAAA website and is available for access by members.
It had previously been agreed that REAAA would no longer chase refereed papers for formal publication in the REAAAJournal because of the lack of resources and the large time delays that can arise whilst trying to assemble a sufficient number of papers to warrant publication. It was agreed at the 108th Governing Council meeting that one approach was to decide on a theme and then invite papers to be submitted which addressed that theme. As a result, members of the Technical Committee have been asked to nominate themes which could be addressed in future issues of the REAAA Journal.
Development & Globalization of the Korean Warm-Mix Asphalt Technology
Warm-mix Asphalt Technology is globally known as an eco-friendly pavement method that can reduce emissions and is being applied actively in advanced countries such as the U.S. and Europe. Korea is also investing in the policy changes and research to stimulate the development and implementation of WMA technology. The superiority of the Korean WMA technology has been applied and proven in both advanced and developing countries, including the U.S., Japan, European countries, Indonesia, and Mongolia. The recent ODA project with Vietnam is another evidence of the globalization of the Korean WMA technology. In the future, the continued promotion of the Korean WMA technology and the New Southern and Northern Policies of the Korean Government will help the technology to expand its footprint in developing countries.
Calendar of seminars, conferences, workshops and meetings of the Association: 2019
The programme is updated according to the decisions taken.
Dato’ Sri Ir. Dr. Judin Bin Abdul Karim
CIDB Fellowship Award 2018
REAAA would like to congratulate Dato’ Sri lr. Dr. Judin Abdul Karim, Past President of REAAA, for being conferred the prestigious Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia Fellowship Award 2018 on November 2 2018 in Kuala Lumpur. This award is in recognition for industry role models, key figures and stakeholders who played an active role and contributed to the development and improvement of the construction sector in the past 20 years and in line with the construction industry transformation programme 2016 – 2020 (CITP).
2018 REAAA NZ Chapter Roadshow
The theme of the 2018 REAAA New Zealand Chapter Roadshow was “The Transportation Transformation” and the presentations were very well received at the five venues. The seminars commenced in Auckland on 15th August and finished in Dunedin on 21st August.
The membership of REAAA as at 16 October 2018 was 1,417. The REAAA Council and Chapters have approved the following 192 new members for the period between from 01 July 2017 to 16 October 2018.