The REAAA Governing Council held its 100th meeting on 23rd October 2014 in Sydney, Australia.
The meeting was successful, with 20 out of the 35 Council members attending. A total of 62 delegates from nine countries (Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Philippines and Taiwan) attended the meeting, with Philippines forming the largest delegation of 12 delegates.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr Gerard Waldron. The Chairman extended the sincere apologies from the President for his absence owing to the meeting coinciding with the end of the current Cabinet and the inauguration of the new President of the Republic of Indonesia.
Reports tabled by the Finance Committee, Technical Committee, Membership Promotions Committee, and the Honorary Secretary-General’s report were all approved at the meeting. Several important decisions were also made and key proposals adopted, including the plans for the Executive Management Team (EMT) to monitor the performance of the CEO and the Secretariat, progress in the REAAA Strategy Map and Initiatives 2013-2017, the preparation for the 101st REAAA Council meeting, and input into forthcoming events in REAAA member countries.
The Finance Committee made a sincere request to local Chapters and council members to help in the collection and remittance of overdue membership subscriptions. The Finance Committee would also like to record its appreciation to members for their assistance in the collection of membership dues.
It was also agreed at the meeting that:
- All Chapters/member countries would identify those members whose subscriptions are long overdue, with a view to terminating their membership if they have not paid within 3 months of being asked for the outstanding membership dues to be paid
- The proposed budget for 2015 would be reviewed at the 101st REAAA Council meeting, in particular the proposal to provide monetary assistance for HORA members who cannot afford the costs associated with attending to Heads of Road Authorities (HORA) meetings
- The revised Constitution would be uploaded onto the website in order to save the costs associated with publishing the REAAA Constitution in hard copy format (RM9,550.00).
The CEO reported that the achievement of the aims of the Business Plan were very dependent on the availability of sponsorship and, to date, no grants/sponsorships have been forthcoming.
Council members were asked to recruit more Institutional members to generate income for REAAA. All Chapters were also asked to contribute advertisements to future publications, and the website.