The REAAA Governing Council held its 107th meeting – which was also the 2nd Council Meeting for the 16th Council Term – on 20th July 2017 in Pasay City, Manila, Philippines. The meeting was successful, with 24 of the 36 Council members attending. A total of 83 delegates from eight countries (Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand) attended the meeting, with Indonesia forming the largest delegation with 30 delegates. Mr Keiichi Tamura represented PIARC and Ms Ei Myo, the Deputy Director of the Department of Highways, Ministry of Construction, Myanmar, was an observer.
The President, Mr Romeo S Momo, extended his sincere appreciation to all Council members for giving up their time to attend the meeting. The President conveyed apologies from those Council members who were unable to join the meeting.
Reports were tabled by the Honorary Secretary-General, the Finance Committee, Technical Committee, Membership Promotions Committee, Enhance Revenue (Advertisement), the Young Professionals Committee and the rebranding of the Website. Several important decisions were made and key proposals adopted, including the election of Chairs of the various Committees. The duties of the Vice Presidents, Council members and Co-Opted Council members were endorsed. Preparation for the 108th REAAA Council meeting, and input into forthcoming events in REAAA member countries and collaboration with PIARC was also addressed.
The Finance and Membership Committees made a sincere request to local Chapters and Council members to help in the collection and remittance of overdue membership subscriptions.