96th & 97th Meeting of Governing Council on 27th March 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The 96th & 97th REAAA Council meeting held on 27 March 2013 in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
It was the first Council meeting for the 15th Council term after the 14th General Meeting. The meeting, chaired by newly installed REAAA President DR.A. Hermanto Dardak, was attended by 22 elected Council members. The Governing Council welcomed the new Honorary Secretary – General, Dr.Che Hassandi Abdullah and the new Honorary Treasurer – General, Mr Richard Steel to the Council.
The meeting also saw the election, co-option and nomination of two Vice Presidents, nine co-opted members and committee chairmen respectively. AARB Group Ltd, Australia was re-elected as one of the Vice President with its Managing Director, Mr. Gerard Waldron as its official representative. Public Works Department (PWD) of Malaysia was elected as the other Vice President a represented by Dato’ Ir Annies Md Ariff, Deputy Director General II, Public Works Department, Malaysia.
The Council meeting also adopted the election of nine individuals and organisations co-opted as Council members to assist the Association in various aspects such as technical, finance, management and administration. They are Mr. Kieran Sharp (Australia), Mr. Poedji Roharrdjo (IRDA, Indonesia), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT), Korea, Mr. Byung-Yoon Kwon, Director General (Korea), Mr. Kwang Ung Hwang (Korea), Mr. Yasumasa Torii (Japan), Dato’ Ir. Dr. Dennis Ganendra (Malaysia), Datuk Ir. Nik Airina Nik Jaffar(Malaysia) and Director General of Malaysia Institute of Road Safety Research, MIROS (Malaysia).