Ir. Hamzah bin Hashim
Chair, REAAA YEP Working Committee
The 23rd REAAA YEP meeting was held on 8th May 2023 at the offices of the Land Transport Authority of Singapore (LTA). As customary, YEP meeting was organized together with 119th REAAA Governing Council meeting and other associated events planned by the LTA. This also the first time that a YEP meeting had been conducted in Singapore since the YEP was established in 2012. Singapore is one of the international hubs for many airlines and airlines from REAAA member countries fly direct to Singapore making it a smooth traveling experience for the members.
LTA hosted the meeting in their Digital Lab at LTA Hampshire office in an effort to promote LTA business and initiatives in transportation, roads and highway in Singapore. The lab has only recently started operation. It has a modern outlook and up-to-date equipment which encourage the staff to be more creative and productive. YEP members and observers were impressed with the setup of the lab. The Chairman of YEP Committee, Ir. Hamzah bin Hashim from Malaysia, started the meeting by providing a historical background of YEP followed by ice breaking session. Members from Singapore, Korea, Philippines and Indonesia attended the meeting, while members from Japan, Australia, Taiwan and Malaysia attended virtually. Following the introduction, each country presented updates. This agenda allows YEP members to share current activities with others and replicate back home where suitable. The meeting also discussed YEP Technical Working Group C4WC4. The main objective of the working group is to encourage members to network with all REAAA countries and provide YEP with an opportunity to present at international events in the region. Discussion then centered on the Asia Australasia Road Conference and the 50th Anniversary of REAAA. The YEP from Indonesia presented the plan for the proposed YEP meeting to be held during the 50th Anniversary celebration. Topic “IoT for Road Design & Construction” was chosen to be the meeting theme. YEP will prepare presentations that address this topic at the next meeting. Meeting then continued with technical presentation from Ms. Nyunt Than Than, Assistant Chief Specialist, Pavement Engineering Singapore. The title of her presentation was “Analysis and Visualisation for Pavement Condition Assessment Using Network- Level Survey Data”.
The meeting concluded with a photo session. YEP thank the host country for their great arrangement of venue, and overall planning for this REAAA event. A pleasant memory of REAAA event in Singapore shall be scripted in REAAA history.