As the world faces one of the hardest challenges of the century due to pandemic, REAAA still made it possible and successfully held its 16th conference. Amid Covid-19, the annual event has been resorted to fully digital / online conference which is first ever recorded in history. Ultimately, the role of engineers during this trying time is the same as any other time, as it is enshrined in their professional obligation: how to best protect the public and make their life better. Each country needs to achieve the optimal balance between fighting covid-19 and taking advantage of the technological advancement for faster, better, efficient and more effective infrastructure development. With REAAA’s mission: To meet the professional needs of its members and to foster understanding and cooperation both within and beyond this region.
The chosen theme “Shaping the Future of Road Engineering with advanced Technologies,” offers to bring together distinguished engineers, researchers, policy makers, business leaders and the young professionals that has one goal: to learn advance technology from one another for each other’s community advancement.
New President’s Inaugural Address
I am delighted for the opportunity to gather with you today representing the REAAA members. It would have appealed to me much more if we had been able to gather in the Philippines for this meeting associating with each other personally.
Nonetheless, my hope is that each of you has coped successfully with these complicated and harsh conditions of the global environment and your current situation is stable and perhaps flourishing.
Today, it’s my great honor to accept the position as your 17th elected president of the REAAA. My dream for a welcoming and personal delivery of this acceptance speech with your cheerful applause and encouragement may have set us on a successful path, beginning a term of cooperation and worthy accomplishments.
As the 17th presidential position of the REAAA, the term 2021–2025, I will do my best to ensure that I faithfully fulfill this role by gathering the recommendations of the former president and members.
REAAA Updates
17th REAAA Governing Council Members
REAAA Brainstorming Session for the 17th Council Term
On October 21, a Brainstorming Session for the REAAA 17th council term was held online with presence of major office bearers and representatives from the national chapters. The President Dr. Sung-Hwan Kim shared his vision for the 17th term and the Honorary Secretary General Ir. Mohd Shahrom Bin Ahmad Saman led the open discussion.
REAAA Pavement TC’s New Report Released
Compendium on Pavement Structural Design and Rehabilitation Methods Adopted by Member Countries
The latest REAAA Technical Report (TC-11) has recently been published. It was prepared by the Working Group/ Review Panel on Quality Assurance of Pavement Structures on behalf of the REAAA Pavement Technology Committee (PTC). The principal authors were Dr Keizo Kamiya, the Chair of the PTC, and Kieran Sharp, the Chair of the REAAA Technical Committee and REAAA’s Technical Editor.
Dr. Kim receives IRF Award
Heartiest congratulations from all REAAA members to the REAAA President, Dr. Sung-Hwan Kim, for the receipt of the IRF Dr. Mino Award of Excellence. It was presented at the recent 18th IRF World Meeting in Dubai, UAE.
Membership Report
The membership of REAAA as at 15 September 2021 was 1,249. The REAAA Council and Chapters have approved the following new members for the period between from 01 March to 31 July 2021.